Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowIn 1998, she also became recognized for her performance as a female hermaphrodite who starred in "Good Guys, Bad Guys," a crime-drama with a twist. In the course of filming her role in the role of a traveler stranded on a strange globe on the show "Pitch black" (2000) The actor was expected to help read actors auditioning for a new sci-fi series to be produced in Australia. A casting agent suggested that she would be a perfect actress for the role even though the producers of the show had planned to hire a US actress. Black created a short demo, before being called to Sydney to take part in an audition. She was given the part as Aeryn on "Farscape." The actress nicely projected the character's strength and toughness but also developed a very evident sexual connection with the co-star Ben Browder (as human astronaut John Crichton). Aeryn turned into a highly likable and fascinating character over the course of the series, and she gained legions of faithful viewers. Black continued her voiceover work in television, movies and video games after the show ended. Black, who had a part in "The Originals" in the series, was back on this series for the saga "Containment". The exotic-looking brunette Black was able to portray strength, as well as an ethereal air during her performance as Aeryn Sun on Farscape, (Sci-Fi Channel) from 1999-2003. This Sydney-born actress won her role in the Globe Shakespeare 1990 competition, and she also toured Europe with Portia in the role of "The Merchant of Venice."


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